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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

032 Post-Op Diet Week 1 (Stage 1)

Hello. Hello!

If you have been reading along with our blog then you know that Jimmy's surgery is Friday! If you haven't then let me tell you that JIMMY'S SURGERY IS FRIDAY! It's hard to believe that the time is already upon us when it feels like we have been waiting forever for it to get here. Fear not! You will have a post tomorrow. I have set it up so that you will have Jimmy's Week 2 Pre-Op Vlog to watch while we are at the hospital tomorrow having the surgery done. I will be posting how the surgery went on Facebook tomorrow so that people won't freak out from worrying but there most likely won't be any surgery updates here until Monday. Sorry.

All that being said, I know that you won't want to hear about what Jimmy's diet is like at that point because you will want to know that Jimmy is alive and kicking so I am going to tell you what Jimmy's first week post-op diet is going to be like now so that we can talk surgery on Monday.

Heartland Bariatric Center has designed specialized diets for men and women for each type of surgery they offer. The first week post-op is very similar to his two week pre-op liquid diet with two exceptions. #1 He can't have any full liquids (so no Carnation Instant Breakfast or powdered protein shakes) and he has to have 60-90g protein daily through liquid protein shots.

  • 60-90g Liquid Protein Shots
  • One Cup (8oz.) of 100% fruit juice (Grape must be diluted with water)
  • At least 48-64oz. of other liquids (from the allowed liquids list) daily
  • Water
  • Diet V-8 Splash, V-8 juice or Tomato Juice (Not a chance Jimmy will try these)
  • Sugar-Free Jell-O
  • Sugar-Free Popsicles (Less than 15 calories per serving)
  • Fruit 2-O
  • Crystal Light (Jimmy was really excited about this one!)
  • Diet Snapple (Not a Chance)
  • Up to 2 Cups of broth (unlikely)
  • Decaf coffee, tea (Not a Chance--I know he's weird, right?)
  • Powerade Zero/Gatorade Zero
This is 1-42g Protein Shot. Jimmy has to have two of these daily.
And from what I hear, they don't taste the best,
Did I mention that he can only take 1 ounce of these liquids in every 15 minutes? It's true! One of the earliest post-op struggles is trying to consume all of your daily liquids so that you don't get dehydrated. During the first week post-op it will be hard to consume a total of 6 cups of liquid a day. To make it easier to measure and keep track, I bought enough 1 ounce disposable medicine cups that he can measure out a whole days worth of liquid and throw them away as he drinks them.

A 1 ounce medicine cup for Jimmy to use
to measure his liquids
1 ounce compared to the 32 ounces he could
easily be taking in per meal before surgery
Please continue to keep Jimmy in your prayers. The nice thing about the post-op diet is that Jimmy shouldn't be hungry all the time. However, he will still crave the foods that he used to eat which will make things difficult because he is not supposed to have them--especially while he is healing.

Thank you for all your prayers,


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello! Sorry for the above post. I commented with the wrong ID. I just wanted to say I'm here as a new follower, glad to connect to fellow VSGers. I had the surgery 4.5 months ago and have a total of 65 lbs down. I started at 353 and am now 288. It's been an awesome journey!

    I just want to say that I am always curious and amazed at how different each facility tells their patients to do different things postop. You'd think there'd be a set way that they all do things but nope. So different.

    I was able to have any liquid as long as it had NO sugar and NO carb. I still am not allowed juice as the sugar content is too high. My carb is 40g maximum. 1 week postop I could have water, protein shakes of any kind as long as they were low carb and sugar free, and no juice ever (they are also too acidic). It's just interesting the differences each nutritionist has.

    I've also read some articles and heard from some people on my facebook support groups I belong to that those protein shots are not really a great way of getting protein in because the protein in them is not the right kind exactly. I don't know much about it because the whole differences of different protein is confusing to me. I don't really like the taste of ANY protein drinks, shots, bars, etc. I did find that I enjoy the Atkins shakes. They have less carbs in them than your standard, they have 15g protein but only 2g of carbs. They taste great compared to anything I've ever tried. Although for protein powder I love the Click! brand.

    I get most of mine in with regular food (chicken, beef, eggs, etc). So I don't have to drink much protein usually, 1-2 Atkins shakes a day and I'm good to go.

    I hope your surgery went well. I'll add to facebook as well to keep up. Please follow me back as I also have a VSG related blog! I'll be keeping up with you (both). Tah for now :)

    1. These are the protein shots recommend SPECIFICALLY for Week One of Jimmy's post-op because they are clear liquids. Right now he isn't supposed to have anything that is creamy or that you can't see through. Once he has gotten the ok to move past his clear liquids then he can go back to regular protein shakes. I know he won't continue to take the "shots" because they taste and smell totally gross! Thank goodness that they are only temporary!

      Thanks for reading. I will add you on Facebook and follow your blog.
