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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

027 Get a Will Today

I listen to the Dave Ramsey Show online while I am working. I can't tell you how many times I have heard Dave tell people "Get a Will today." or how many times I have heard the US Legal Forms commercial. I think that I could actually quote it!

Jimmy and I have known the importance of getting a will for a while now. It's just that we don't have much and the prospect of something happening to us seemed really far away. However, as we began to prepare for Jimmy to have WLS we realized that it would probably be a really good time for Jimmy to get a will done.

Well, we didn't go to US Legal Forms, but we did talk to our friend Ben who is a local lawyer. He was able to help Jimmy get all his paperwork in order. Laproscopic gastric sleeve surgery is very low risk (comparatively) but now if something were to happen we are covered.

It's nice to know that Jimmy loves me enough to get all the details hammered out so I am not left with "a big legal mess to deal with" (Thanks, Dave!) and I know exactly what he would have wanted. Dave's right. It is important to get a will today. I just never appreciated it before.

1 comment:

  1. You're right, Christiana, no matter your age, it's good to have that in writing.
    Juanita Nobles
